Monday, July 28, 2008


The complete overlooking of qualifications even according to Obama back when he first get elected to the Senate. Somewhere between that time and now the whole country lost its mind, the general election has not happen yet, only the media have declared Obama the next president. This nominee has nothing of substance, he plans to change using all of Clintons' staff, that is former President Clinton not junior senator fromNew York. He has no foreign policy nor any reason to convince the voting public that he does. He has one domestic policy but to spend on every social program as much as congress will allow. For the next two years, Mr. Spend freeheartedly will find it difficult to promote all his pie in the sky programs and none of them will make it out of committee in the form that he want.
Dispite never holding any meetings of the committee he oversaw he believe no meetings can run the country. McCain may not be a great conservative but he is an American, more than just a veteran. He is qualified to be president and states so all the time with an agenda of ideas. He will not be Bush like, thank God because Bush was more liberal than Carter and Clinton combine. That sucker taxbreak in return for welfare, minimuim wage increase, and faith based welfare. That was Bush no veto on nearly everything anybody proposed, it was the people that stopped Harriett Mears,open borders, and amnesty for illegal aliens. Two Supreme Court justices saved his presidency and the death of Saddam along with the war. we can not handle another blind liberal in the White House. Eight years of liberals free to all is enough.

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