Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Discussing Religious Prejudice by Texas Civil Rights Project

This will enlighten, impower, and even delight some of you. The words you are aboutto read happen to me in Texas and a couple of other southern states by democrats of the ACLU, NAACP, LULAC, and the Texas Civil Rights Project, Black State Employees Association Union of Texas, Texas Human Rights Commission, all funded by the State Justice Institute, headed by Clinton appointee and Obama supporter Robert A. Miller. By the way I am an African American but I am importantly a Christian Abstainer: DRUG-FREE, DEVIANT-FREE, DISEASE-FREE, NO SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS HAVING BELIEVER. I asked you to read the interview I have given to the WALK with JESUS Newsletter, Jesus Warrior 8-22-08.

Why are you willing to expose civil rights agencies and religious institutions?

1. This is an opportunity of equal protection under the law, I have a religious right according to the constitution of the United States to be Drug-free, Deviant-free, Disease-free, and an abstainer for Christ. In this right I have the same protections as illegal aliens, the gay coalition, the drug user protection racket, the sexual perverts and the murderers the ACLU, NAACP, LULAC, TRLA, and the like even the Texas Civil Rights Project claim protection for. I have a right to the same DNA test that allowed State Senator Gallegos to receive an organ transplant dispite his abuse of alcohol and his adultry that was celebrated on the floor of the Texas State Senate. It is the law of Texas and noone is suppose tobe above the law.

Do you believe this could be the exception to the rule?

2. If there was not starvation of over forty days, religious bias to a christian. No it was to organized multiple civil servants, government agencies, religious elitist,and business friends.

Was you ever kidnapped and held unlawfully ?

3.The longest such trip included crossing multiple statelines even one by accident to Mississippi ,on a trip to Memphis for the fraud by the Church of God in Christ. If you define kidnapping as crossing countylines then it would take all day to name all the times it occurred even if only included Austin area trips. The one in Texas I think everyone would be interested in involve Word of Restoration Christian Fellowship, Fresno Texas in Brazoria county, Webster Slaughter was the bait they used to get me to attend their services, I am a football fan and a Christian, we had a couple things in common but he did it all for a state job with the corrections department, it is funny because when my email is checked it will show that all attempts to reachj federal prosecutor went to some department of corrections name Sutton.

How many religious institutions participated in your alledged kidnapping?

4. The true number I have no idea but Cody Carlson a player Slaughter played with is involved with the Trinity Center were I had a lot of email problems, noone was receiving emails from the center.In Austin known as of now Mobile Loaves in Fishes mul;tiple persons Allan Graham,Tom Buam, Bob Ford, Scott Walsh,and Mission Possible Austin : Duane Severance, Misty, Steve and others. In Houston the number is great and I am aware I probrably do not know of half the religious institutions involved.

Why do you suppose they came up with identity theft ?

5. It is simple I am a talker I am going to tell everything I know, time they assumed was on their side. They held all the cards, they had a fake verdict in my favor I wanted nothing to do with. I was not going to pay a bribe to bunch of civil servant thugs, Black State Employees Association Union of Texas, whom a federal judge called Texas Black Mafia nor to their Aryan Nation supporting friends, I know in Fedral Court audits will back up everything I had said. It is why they are trying to keep this out of court.

This is half the interview I can not in good conscience take the whole interview email me for the rest or sign up for the newsletter on feedblitz.com. Do not be fooled racism have been happening to African American by liberals but covered up by money, which they tried in this case even using the media to deny civl rights. Two-time juror abstainer for Christ, it does not matter its not in Obama nation best interest against the gay coalition, abortion, and illegal aliens. All drug crimes should be considered child endangerment.

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