Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Why do liberal hate organizations refuse to recognize minority rights to association, away from their discriminatory practices? The ACLU, NAACP, LULAC, and others are always willing to claim discrimination when a victim fits in their racial profiling agenda of victim. Yet when a civil rights group such as Institute for Justice or the Alliance Defense Fund is involved the same so called civil rights groups have excuses for their discrimination.
They ought to be subject to the same laws as all others, this include their religious partners such as Mobile Loaves and Fishes, Mission Possible Austin, Trinity Center at St. Davids, 1000 Hills International Ministry, Houston , Word of Restoration Christian Fellowship Fresno, St. Johns Downtown Houston, Impact Church Houston , along with individuals committing identity theft such as Betty Hagger, Cedric Keith Hagger Sr., Diedre Mooring, and Melaine Wallace and others including Houston mayor White and US Congresswoman Shelia Jackson-Lee.
Right to court access, with case numbers information of fradulent attorneys of hate and racist political discrimination. Texas Civil Rights Project helping send over forty innocent
victims to prison along with ACLU, NAACP,LULAC while promoting alcohol abuse, drug usage, and acts of sexual deviancy. Why would not an abstainer for Christ be represented by Institute for Justice? Why did it take over four years, for correspondcnce to reach office? Did Mayor aide have a role in the delay, the one on mail truck in Houston on Scott street.

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