Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain comes through with a real woman


Sarah Palin refused to take her position on the ethics committee as a joke and not accept the traditional workings of fraudulent civil servants. She resigned her position and filed her complaints against the chairman. Her findings was upheld and he paid a fine. It enabled her to launch her campaign to be governor, 2006. It was not a good year for any other conservative in the country.
August 29, 2008 John McCain guaranteed that a minority will be elected on the winning ticket. Thankyou just as Republicans
have consistantly have rewarded blacks that worked for the things they deserved from slavery to civil rights which could have been enacted in the fifties if it was not for liberal democrats Jim Crow era.
Today a moose hunter and former fishing guide from Alaska is profamily and not killing a baby because he is born with down syndrome. Have accepted the honor of representing the face of all minorities favoring the right to have a child born with a medical illness. Today in the United States of America, the Republican party have again made a step to destroy the glass floor of the political reality.

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