Sunday, August 10, 2008

Elimination of Tax exemptions

Tax-exemption Elimination

It has reached a point in the history of the country to make an unpopular decision, eliminate the fixture known as tax-exemptions. The immmediate return would benefit individual citizens. Businesses already incorporate all their taxes into their product so that is not an issue. The freedom of religion can not be an issue either because everyone is being treated the same. today there are some churches that pays corporate taxes instead of receiving tax exemption granted to religious institutions. Noone faith should change if the tax exempt status is eliminated. This also would downsize some government agencies, because of the mountain of work created by the tax exemptions.
Faith is suppose to be the reason for religious institutions, has nothing to do with tax deductions. This would be easier to determine the separation between church and state. Which has led to corruption, fraud, bribery, sexaul crimes, embezzlement, extortion, theft, terrorism, and oppression under the cover of law. Donations to political office holders, could not be kicked backed as grants, earmarks, or use of ant public funding to any political nor religious group.
No more funding political arms of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, ACLU, NAACP, LULAC, GLAD, LA RAZA, KKK, BLACK PANTHERS, ARYAN NATION, nor any of its subdivisions not even the unions of the civil servants. I do not beleive anyone would not be obedient to whatever they beleive in, so it can not be a faith question. faith has been used to cover every form of deviancy everyone can imagine.Would the funding of private educational instutions just die, not going to happen. Racism and any other form of bigotry should not be on the backs of the citizens of the United States. The secret welfare of the country is the tax exemption which has no due process procedure, and codes of revocation are not inforced.
Separation of church and state is a constitutional right, yet they are joined together at the birth of the church. A permanent separation should occur, and all entities should be treated the same. Without tax exemptions there would be no tax deductions nor any corporate abatements.
This made everyone upset for it covers all pets to fund ones favorite causes, by the way the things donated to charity will not gather any dust nor will the trash increase, faith should not have been compromised for money in the first place.

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