Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Money or property in lieu of money paid or furnished by federal government to a grantee under a program that provides financial assistance to the grantee or through the grantee to a constituency defined in law by Congress. Audits are meant to control and punish anyone abusing the system for various reasons including terrorism. Fraud, waste, and other types of abuses by the operators of grants can face punishment authorized by Congress, the courts and other authorized governmental agencies.

A grant is a legal binding obligation of a federal entity. Usually an agreement of the grantee and the designated agency executive. Excessive grant amounts are limited by liability. Expeniditure reports is an audit tool preventing fraud and theft. Cash advances can be made in two forms lump sums and letter of credit drawdown. Line of credit is forwarded to the treasury department. The purpose of transferring money, property, services, or anything of value to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by federal statute and requiring participation of both the grantee and the agency executive. Grantee entity named as the recepient is subject to audits by a multiple government agencies, including but not limited to inspector general offices, the justice department, and both federal and state courts.Audits can be of pre award living, post award living, and the cost of the total process.

Audits let known the cost per policy. Items not funded, cost not allowed that are not preapproved are all illegal and subject to fines and penalties to include criminal charges. Fraud, result in the limited immunity enjoyed by civil servants to be violated for malice exception. Compliance of all federal and state laws, through all procedures and steps. Adequate documentation of support of cost, equipment, matching-in-kind contributions, prohibition with parties that have been suspended or debarrred under any federal grant, contract, or assistance program. Public funding can only be used for activities legal obligations. Laws, regulations, and provisions of grants contain requirements for special tests and other conditions. Civil rights of grantee can not be violated as conditions of a grant agreement, neither can the grantee agree to forgo the legal right to any legal procedure including civil trials.

Civil servant: a person employed by a government agency, elected or appointed to a position in government

Incompetent: Unqualified to testify truthfully.

Jurisdiction: A court's authority to decide a case or issue a decree( a constitutional answer to federal question of which court have legal authority to hear cause)

False misrepresentation: Not just oral or written words, but also any conduct that result in allegiations that are not true and mislead others.

Abuse: Damage legal rights, inflect injury( physical,mental or emotional) for any means. Improper and tortious use of a legitimately issued court proceedings obtaining a result that unlawful and beyond any legal scope.

False impersonation: The criminal act of claiming to be another in a legal circumstance.

Impertitent matter: An irrelevant matter, federal court usually strike impertitent matters in pleadings.

Kidnapping: The criminal act of seizing or taking away a person by force or fraud.

Kidnapping for ransom: The offense of unlawfully seizing a person and then confining the person usually in a secret place, while attempting to extort anything of value.

Bribery: Illegally paid corrupt payments, receipt or solicitation of a private favor for official action. Providing or receiving anything of value for undue influence. An illegal act done under the cover of law as a favor or for a price.

Terroristic threat: An act of violence against a person or community were there is a preception of harm, or causing a public panic or inconvenience or reckless disregard for another's life.

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