Monday, October 20, 2008

The eve of my voice no to Chicago criminals

Senator Obama take the change you want to give America start in Chicago. First of all work with the justice department officials to end the voter fraud of ACORN and all other groups perverting the election process. As a senator introduce a bill that would put teeth back in the enforcement of the election laws. Fines and public reprimands are not stopping any corruption by the same parties, punish with imprisonment; charges of identity theft, conspiracy to commit identity theft, conspiracy to commit voter fraud, and any other criminal charge that would punish such criminal activity no matter which political view those violating laws are.

Senator Obama the change we would like from you is telling the truth about Universal Health care that failed in Hawaii, are you not from that state. Does not your family still live there? Did you have anything to do with it being the state to attempt the system that has not worked anywhere in the world? Did not the hospital that employeed your wife and campaign manager happen to take the word Urban out of their scheme to remove the African American male from their patient list? When are you going to come correct either you are an incompetent civil servant or you do not give a care about the African American people, this is in no way the worst thing you have done to the African American people. Dispite the Planned Parenthood foundation as an organization has been BLACK GENOCIDE even according to its founder Margarette Sanger, you had no problem accepting their endorsement. By the way the most aweful thing that abortion mills like Planned Parenthood does is the cause of 25% of all deaths of African Americans all by abortion. That is why there is no growth in the percentage of African Americans in the United States. This according to Planned Parenthood data, even though Senator Obama tried to claim Pastor Rod Parsley was being racist for bringing it forth, truth be told the men of God who operate Black genocide website also happen to be African American. Only because of the failure of Washington elitist political leaders and civil rights groups along with its religious leaders refusing to address a serious issue in the United States of America. Senator Obama has been to busy raising money to be concerned about details: 25% of all conceptions of African Americans end in abortion, in Chicago the Obama campaign closed the doors of the hospital to African American males, Universal Health care failed in Hawaii, and sat inthe pews of a fraudulent preacher living in an inclosed gated community dating a white woman , while preaching racist rhetoric.
The best thing about this election is there is more opportunity to participate then there has ever been. So I could never vote for your social change, I would like you to change your positions and allow African Americans childern to live, jobs that pay decent wages is better than welfare, fire incompetent civil servants eliminate governmental agencies that are nothing but pay check mills for wasteful unions. Change the requirement of money in education is spent of the student and the teacher, not on consultants, union leaders, nor a bunch of administrators that never see the inside of a school nor class room. Fix Chicago first Senator Obama do not fall into corruption then maybe the American public will consider you more than a catch-phrase.

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