Sunday, September 21, 2008

Raising glory


Political hatemongers of the gay coalition: rapist, pedophiles, social workers, homosexuals, fornicators, whores, civil servant unions, and their religious partners continual destruction of the black community through abortions, homosexuality, drug usage promotion, no DNA test, and other forms of liberal domestic terrorism. The only way to escape such tyranny is to relocate to conservatives communities that enforce the laws of the land, United States Supreme Court rulings, federal statutes, federal codes, and keep all accesses to court open to everyone. Prejudice of any kind that involve denial of accessibility by civil servants should result in multiple investigations of accountability by each agency involved in the violations of public trust, federal ethic laws, and any other civil or criminal violations. Suspentions,debarrment, disbarrment, lost of license, impeachment, lost of pension, lost of tax exemption and/or imprisonment are some of the penalties individuals can be subject to. Three things most happen to end the black genocide of the gay coalition: prohibit the abortion facilities in communities, prohibition of the abortion facilities from donating to non profit organizations that work with children and pregnant women along with women in recovery of any addiction. The church created the foundation for genocide of the black community accepting money from incompetent civil servants, promoters of illegal drugs, and the abortion industry itself. Advertising that it is alright to commit murder by abortion, in the process destroying the population of the black community. Then taking it a step farther by accepting the aids spreading deviants and adultress lifestyles. The answer to return to favor in Gods sight, raise repentance, have testimony of the goodnews of God, take it back by your forgiveness and confession. God can raise,even you if you do only when you testify with DNA test, oral statements, and audits. When you are doing things for the glory of God there is nothing to hide.

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