Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Healing through prasie

Not the compromises of religion, nor the bribery nor deceptions of government agencies and community associations.
Not the promises of political leaders nor the lies of preachers, pastors nor ministry leaders nor community activist
Not because of some great repentance of any nation, nor even of anyone, just because he can yet his testimony never lie
Not because of the security of faith, nor the kept commandments, nor the lack of faith by the masses
The true healing of praise is none other than Jesus Christ, for by his blood we are healed
Yet he lived as a man of flesh and blood no can deny and performed a multitude of miracles
He never healed a homosexual, no lesbian, no gay, no pedophile, nor any rapist
He healed lepers, adulters, the blind, those with cancer, those with demons and even raised the dead
He could not violate the promise of God, for even he did not have power over those that had lost their place with God
God turned off his mercy and so there was no grace from God's grace, Jesus Christ
Healing through praise takes the holy spirit, which blasphemers do not see forgiveness
This is not the promise of man nor reiligion but of God's own testiment
Jesus taught he could forgive everything, except blasphemey of the spirit
So do not be deceived, there is no forgiveness without God's mercy and grace
Do not fall into the traps of religion, faith based entities, nor ministries of idolatry
Put your trust in the living God, he rescues out of lion's den, saves for eternal salvation and hold dances in fire
God can do things not seen nor understood by man, but he can not make him a liar.

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