Friday, November 4, 2011

Civil Servants Should Be Scared

                                                CIVIL SERVANTS SHOULD BE SCARED

As the federal prison began releasing the crack convicts that was ordered immediately released there became something that most people have thought nothing about open prison beds. Civil servants have been able to skate the law and the criminal justice system by the lack of prison space. But by the redefining of criminal penalties in crack cocaine there will be open prison space as occurred in Texas a few years ago, to the result in Texas the closing of  prisons and the sell of prison real estate. But what has happen in Texas that most people are still not paying attention to is the increase of civil servants being sent to prison for the same crimes that probation and parole was given to them just a couple of years ago because of the lack of prison space. With about a tenth of all prisoners being released from state and local jails along with the federal prisons there now exist a multitude of prison beds without occuppants.
Civil servants that practice fraud, waste and corruption relied on overcrowded prison and their education to avoid going to prison. They no longer have the overcrowded excuse and there are many educated prisoners all over America. It matters not if you are a member of the AFL-CIO, SEIU, or any other union, there is no more protection of civil servants for crimes under the cover of the law. There have been multiple law enforcement agents from Harris County, Texas alone that are serving prison sentences in the Texas Department of Correction. There have been an increase of the losing of non-profit tax exemptions by religious entities even in the black community especially high in Tarrant County, Texas. Then there have been arise in the number of impeachment and imprisonment of judges in all federal, state and local courts in the State of Texas. If judges are no longer able to avoid prison sentences then unions will not be able to stop prosecutors from filling the tens of thousands prison beds with civil servants committing fraud, waste and corruption.

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