In a move to protect elitist homosexuals and coerce their lifestyles upon the racial minority groups of Americans. By creating a campaign which the word "gay" was legally defined as being a male homosexual and then having, THE CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST object to the definition and taking the matter to the Supreme Court of the United States. Using racist tactics established by the COGIC and adopted by the bigotry coalition of the Democrat National Party including the SEIU, NAACP, ACLU, ACORN, LULAC and the CIVIL RIGHTS PROJECT. Dispite the court ruling and even the Congressional Black Caucus agreeing along with a multitude of congressional hearings determining that the use of the word gay obtained through coercion or any means including but not limited to starvation, identity theft, computer fraud, terrorism, torture, assaults, and other acts violating civil rights protected not only by the United States Constitution.
Dispite the continual of having court rulings against the usage of the word and the newly added Bullying Laws which call the term so derogotary that USSC have theated to revoke the license of COGIC because of violating not only court orders but now the newly BULLYING Laws. Civil servants and their unions protect the COGIC because many of it's members also congregate with the COGIC dispite it violating the CRA 1964, 42USC1981, and even EEOC statutes and regulations. One of the biggest hypocrites in the United States is the city council man in Fort Worth Texas because he was offended as a child and called a "faggot", which is considered a derogotary term by the Bullying Law. This racist have joined civil servants in the City of Fort worth to not only deny a black man equal access to the computers at the Fort worth Library but the continual insults of the word gay by the employees of the Fort Worth Public Library, that would be exposed by an surveilllance that exist of the Fort Worth Public Library, then again in the racist faggot eyes a black man have no civil rights, no due process no right to seek justice because the black man does not have a prison number and he is not a faggot. The so called Bully Law should be declared unconstitutional and the COGIC should lose it's license and be prohiibited from being a tax exempt entity. dispite the court ruling that the usage of the word gay by civil servants was always racist when it pertained to a man that was not a homosexusal determined by court ordered DNA testing. From Alan Keyes, Lynn Swann, Allen West and other men that do not support the liberal agenda of the political party of the KKK, Jim Crow Laws and all other forms of segregation,bias, discrimination and isolation into the life of poverty. Dispite the agreeing to spend millions of dollars mostly through the Civil Rights Project the racism have not stopped nor ceased not by the employees of the city of Fort Worth Texas and the COGIC. The only remedy of law that I am interested in is departing the United States, because I would never under any circumstance live any state besides Texas. And since there does not seem that Texas will secede from the United States the only legal remedy of law I am interested in is not being hindered or obstructed from flying to Tokyo Japan and not being harassed by the COGIC nor none of it's partners in Japan by having the Japan State Department being informed of the prejudice and discrimination by the COGIC, which is a prisonable offense in Japan. But as for the Bully Law it should be declared unconstitutional since the homosexuals of the United States do not respect, honor nor expect justice and due process of others when they are the predators harassing, torturing, terrorizing and causing traumatic stress. As for traumatic stress all retired civil servants should also lose their pensions and early retirement obtained through traumatic stress claims. Bully laws should protect all americans or it should be declared unconstitution and either way the COGIC should be stripped of it non profits license and it's preachers and ministers should be prohibited of obtaining another one for any other denomination.
To force inclusion exclusive to the christian churches the gay coaltion of hate embarked on a membership campaign that included the paying of tithes and offerings. The word gay is now a campaign of do not disrespect the homosexual community by using the word as a derogotary word, like the "N" word. It only insult the community which accept the word not just the person the word is being directed at. As a court declared that no one is exempt from respect, honor and due process, remebering it is truth, justice and the American Way.
The place to stand up, taking America away from civil servants,unions, and others that want to limit rights and defraud America.A voice in the blog world, that not afraid to take on Texas nor the United States to stop the wasteful abuse of civil servants. America is fifty states and the citizens that legally reside within the fifty states. Copyright 2010 In the pit Ministry Patrick Hagger Ministry All Rights reserved