Monday, February 9, 2009

Jesus equaled justice to mercy and love

Jesus went through all the justice offered to him by Pilate and administered on him by the civil servants of his time who worked in conspiracy with the religious leaders. Alone the civil servants had no reason to kill Jesus, and the religious leaders had no authority to kill Jesus. But in union of a gay coalition of lust. Lust of favor of man, Caesar, and power all lead to the cruxificion of Jesus. And it was when they lifted him toward God they renewed him and forever changed believers of the word of God. They gave Jesus no mercy nor love in the process of perverting justice and providing no due process Jesus went on to a better place. Sometime justice is denied to move a believer on to a better place. Joseph had justice denied by his family God never sent him back to his hometown, then by the Potiphor even then God did not put him back under the Potipher charge. Joseph was moved on to only have authority short of the crown. He was not an Egyptian and their was no revolt, it was the will of God yet the pharoah did not even believe in God. God still use none believers to move believers exactly where his reward is for the believer. The non believer always do not interfer with Gods business. That is how a believer know a deceiver when he witness the interference. God do not need any ministries of Babel, he is only looking for the obedient. Destruction toward life is an attack of the will of God.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Prayer for the exposure of your enemy

Heavenly Father,
I pray giving you honor, glory, and praise. I will travel to japan and bring forth the goodness gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that those that torment and traumatize me with their tactics of denial of your blessings and goodness, for their religious agenda of promotion of rape, pedophilia, and other acts of their gay coalition. I pray that they open their eyes to the curses they are placing not just on their lives, childern, and places of worship. I pray that their mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, and grandchildern being violated and defiled would open their eyes and hearts to do your will. I pray that your wrath will be acknowledged as it is apart of your glory. I pray that cause no harm to anyone else, and they are forever kept out of my presence. I pray that the airline crew have your hedge of protection. I pray noone in the Christian community will accept the false witness of deceivers, frauds, deviants, religious bias racist, terrorist that promote their political agenda of black genocide,infantcide and other acts of prejudices. I pray that at the appointed time of your will all the activities of the conspirators be revealed. I pray that no congregation of worshippers lose their home because of their association of the disobedient,and that the light of Jesus will be accepted and used to fight the power of evil. I pray that DNA test will be used to reveal the secrets done in the dark, as promised by Jesus as a victory to the believers of the will of God. The activities claimed not done, by those confessing to be saved, sanctified and fully annointed by the holy ghost, will either be shown to be fulled with the holy ghost or just another false witness. I pray that my repenting of my sins be accepted as testiment to God's glory, and that my forgiveness of others and self of things done against the will of God are always done just for your honor. I confess Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour and that my testimony is always of the holy spirit. I pray this in Jesus name amen